So our desktop computer has a virus on it and that is the computer that I download my pictures to, to post onto the blog. I am trying to do it on the laptop but the program closes down every time.....I don't understand why! Would you believe that someone gave us a desk top just about 3 weeks ago (the virus just happened on Thursday) that is sitting in Mike's office, just waiting to be used?!! Not sure if a "computer" is a provision from God but I want to give Him glory for everything!
So the progression on the church building is still amazing! They are a little behind because they are waiting on the electrician to get his job done but they are doing as much as they can in the meantime. The roof was completed with tin today (did you know that there are no shingled roofs in the area?). I absolutely love these Alabama builders and their wives!! I love looking out the door and seeing Alabama hats and shirts on! Being around them all makes me feel so much closer to home and OHHHHH...the food they cook! It's fabulous!!! We are blessed to get to eat with them and tonight it was Saurkraut/Smoked Sausage, huge lima beans, sweet potato casserole, cornbread, and strawberry pretzel salad....YUM! I was very sad to see Johnye Horton's (Director of CACB) wife, Bit, leave on Saturday. It was a joy getting to know her and to be around another experienced preacher's wife. These other ladies are soooooo sweet also and it makes me sad to say goodbye to them each week. The people have been from Oak Grove, McCalla, Vance, Wilsonville, Woodstock, Mobile and West Blocton. The Reform crew gets here this Sunday and I am extra excited to see them coming in!
So, we made a crazy decision to buy some jet skiis that are used and MIke drove all the way down to Phoenix, AZ and back in one day to get them. They are going to be fun but every time we get out there on them, it starts lightening so we haven't got to enjoy them yet. We purchased them from a friend of a friend so that is why they came from Arizona.
July4 th was a fun day as fireworks are shot right across the field from our house. We had around 400 people in our yard by the time the fireworks began and we enjoyed our time with our new Alabama friends on our deck around the fireplace. Camp Kivu brought their kids here and had a cookout so our church family got to eat with them.
Today I got to take the kids kayaking in Connie's little pond and they were great at it! The boys will be riding back with Johnye to Alabama on the 18th so we will be trying to squeeze in the fun summer stuff as much as we can between now and then. I am still very busy cleaning cabins and feel very blessed for the extra money God is providing us with this summer.
Mason's team won the Bayfield tournament and now gets to go to state on Thursday which is in Aztec, New Mexico (about 1 hour/30 min) away so we will probably have a busy weekend. Did I tell you that he hit the ball over the fence twice in one week? It was SUPER EXCITING!!
I'll post pictures as soon as I can figure out what the problem is. We're heading that way the first of August and I can't wait to see YOU! Love to all!