HMMMM....which should I begin with? The triumphs or tests? Bad news or good news?
Let's go with the bad news....
Honestly, this feels like a trial, but it is more like a TEST. The whole Christian walk in this day and age is really a test. However, I think God allows things to happen in our life to test us which ultimately is suppose to strengthen us in those wonderful gifts of the Spirit that He wants us to work on perfecting. God has placed some people in my life that I am having a really hard time showing patience, goodness, kindness, and God's love to. I know you know the feeling where you can literally feel the "Good VS. EVIL" having a war inside you...well, everytime I am around these people, I feel that struggle. It's where you "know" how you are suppose to feel about them but you are just not there yet. I am thankful for Paul who God used so greatly, who voiced this same struggle in Romans 7: 21-23
"I have discovered this principle of life-- that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God's law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me."
Do you have people in your life like this?
Of course you do. How do we improve our feelings towards them, moving from dread towards compassion and love? In verse 25, Paul goes on to say "Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord." As we pray for them, the more we'll be able to see them as God see's them. And love them as God loves them.
Paul also says in 1 Timothy 2:1 "I urge you, first of all, to pray for ALL people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them."
So that's my goal. Pshew...........I definitely have GOT to pray more!!
When I began this blog before moving out here, my intentions were to be able to report to our friends and family back home, how God was working and moving around us. I feel like I have fallen short of this, not because He hasn't been working but because a lot of the time, we can't see how He's working. Are we suppose to stop working for Him because we can't see the fruit of our labor? Of course not! Everything we do is suppose to be done as if doing for the Lord, not for ourselves, expecting results.
I just wanted to share with you something that God revealed to me during a funeral that Mike performed on Tuesday. One of our "sports parents" (meaning their son plays ball with Mason) lost his dad last week. His dad was one of the very few grandparents that was at every game and was loved by many. (Most of Mason's team mates are like him and don't have grandparents living close by). I was very nervous about Mike being asked to do this because this family is unchurched. They were one of the 8 families that came to our church on Easter. I know how evangelistic Mike is and I was unsure of how funerals here are for people outside the church. While nervous about it, I also knew this was a great opportunity for Mike to lay the gospel out there for so many people to hear. Of course, he did an awesome job! But during the funeral while my stomach was churning due to nerves, God revealed to me that even though these guys are not coming to our church and their lives have not been changed (YET) by the gospel of Christ, these "sports friends" look to Mike as their minister. When they need answers, are upset about things going on in life, or need encouragement, they come to Mike for it. This particular couple said they were so relieved to have Mike do this funeral for them. That blessed my heart!
So the gospel was shared, seeds were planted, and Mike was obedient to God. What more could we ask for?! And I thank God for showing us that He is at work "outside" the church. What a blessing!