Being in the position of a pastor's wife and one that seems to be more of a nomad, it's easy to compare one church to the next as well as houses, friends, etc. Being in one place for 9 years I guess spoiled me a bit because we got to purchase a home, make it our own, develop and nurture relationships for many, many years. I also lost a lot of close relationships during those 9 years for various reasons but I had other friends during those losses that held me up and helped me heal. Those were precious, precious times. Tears come to my eyes when I think about Tammy and Dawn being there to hold my hands the day Mike resigned at Grace (Thanks you two!).(Sorry, that was kind of a random thought) Anyway, we are in our 3rd year here....a different church, a different town, a different state, and different friends. While I still haven't formed a close enough relationship with anyone that can "hold my hand" in difficult circumstances, a friend here who has moved a lot, helped me to see that those relationships can not and may not ever be replaced and that's OK. It doesn't mean I won't have close friendships but it does mean that they WILL be different than what I have. I have to nurture new relationships and appreciate them for what they are. The insecure side of me is scared to take the initiative and the needy side of me is just going to have to sometimes!
So after the post where I shared my heart about missing my friends, the following happened:
1. (Monday)One of those friends called me for some spiritual advice regarding some problems in her life. We talked for several days off and on and well, it felt good to be there for her.....
2. (Monday) A new couple in town who will be a church stater for our association called and invited us over for supper for next Friday night.
3. (Monday) Haven's best friend Maddie came over to play and her mother Kyle came in and stayed a while just to chat. It was nice to catch up with her because we are usually just trading kids.
4. (Tuesday) I had an unusual draw to a new friend that was for the most part, an online relationship. I felt like I knew her so well through the posts she made on Facebook and by reading her heart in her blog. God was just urging me to connect with her (and has been for a long time but my insecurities held me back! What I have missed out on for not being obedient!). So we had made lunch plans the week before but things came up and we had rescheduled for last week. We finally went to lunch together and it was like water to a thirsty soul for me! She had just the right words I needed and I felt a real connection to her. She is also a BAPTIST minister's wife.....YAY! Thanks RONNIE! I can't wait to spend more time with you!
5. (Tuesday) Sandi, a friend that lives up here at the lake, asked me to go shopping with her on Friday. Sandi and I have a shared love for Target!
6. (Wednesday)Mike and I were in town alone (Haven was at a friend's house) and we decided to eat at Applebee's for lunch. We walked in and Ronnie (the new friend in #4)and her husband were there eating lunch there too! They asked us to join them so I got to spend time with Ronnie 2 days in a row. I know God ordained that little meeting for us!
7. (Wednesday) I got a call from my forever friend Appi who helped me work through a decision to go back to work or not. She's my rock and I treasure her advice which always is scripture based. I love you Appi!
8. (Thursday) Mason's first middle school basketball game was on Thursday and I got to spend some time with Lana and Jennifer as we worked the concession stand, two friends whose sons are friends with Mason.
9.(Friday) Fun day of shopping with Sandi and her 2 sweet boys in Farmington! Thanks Sandi! You are my favorite shopping partner!
10. (Sunday) Jennifer, whose son is Chance(Mason's best friend), attends our church now. The boys had baseball practice on Sunday so she asked me to walk with her while her other son, Bodie, and Haven rode their bikes. She shared with me that she was assured of her salvation back in October and that there have been changes in her life since then. She knew the exact date of the change and her surrender to Christ. She thought she was a Christian all this time and had tons of "book" knowledge from the bible but now she was sure that she is heaven bound! What a blessing that was to hear!!!!! Maybe we have made a difference here!
I know all that probably sounds like a typical week for you, but for me to have that much contact with the friends in my life was amazing.......especially after posting my sorrows over relationships I had been missing. It was all from God! A typical week for me in the winter is to only see people at church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I don't work and we live 30 minutes from town. It can be so depressing in winters here!
What did God show me last week? He showed me that I do have friends here and while the dynamics of the relationships are different, the relationships are a gift from HIM. He also reinforced that HE IS JEHOVAH JIREH, my provider. Being a provider is more than just financial provision. I had emotional needs and He met them for me!
Some of you may think I'm pathetic and I quiet often think that myself, but I felt like sharing how God worked and moved in my life last week. Maybe some of you out there have some emotional needs that you need to hand over to God. Trust Him! HE is able! He loves you and wants you to depend on Him!
"Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.'" ~Lamentations 3:22-24