It was a very exciting day for these boys and we celebrated afterwards at AJ's pizza. Mason had an awesome season and improved on his aggressiveness this year. He was the high scorer in every game we played. They are an awesome group of athletes and worked hard to end with this successful season! We are so proud of you Mason!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
7th Grade Champs!
Most everyone knows already, but Mason's 7th grade Bayfield Middle School Basketball team won their league championship on Saturday!!! We were first seed so we played Miller first and then Escalante for the win. Escalante beat us last week by 3 points which was our only loss of the season so we were ready for them on Saturday and the team played the best game they have ever played! Mason had a total of 10 free throws in the day and shot 9 out of the 10 in a row. He was on fire! So while many of you have already seen these pictures on Facebook, our parents don't do FB so these pics are for the grandparents......

Saturday, February 19, 2011
So Sentimental....
I have a problem....... I tend to be a little too sentimental about my possessions. Why is this a problem? Because sometimes I don't have room to keep everything that I want to keep and it causes useless clutter. Then the clutter stresses me out! And I then think, "if only I had more storage space".....more, more, more!
Do these things make me feel secure? Maybe certain items because I think if I save it, I may need it again one day and it will save me from having to buy another just like it. I want to save things my children wore and played with for them to have one day and show their children. I really have a strong connection to T-shirts...I just can's throw away t-shirts because there is a memory behind each one of them! I still have every t-shirt I had in high school (at mother's house in storage!) I wish I could let go of things a little bit easier but I do want to pass down a little of "my life" to my children. I want to hang on to all those precious memories. But will they care about any of it? That's the question.....
The reason for this blog is the answer to that question! While home on Christmas break, there was a small pile of "garbage" on mother's carport. She had asked me to take it out to the road for trash pick up so I asked her what it was. She said it was junk from the attic that Robby (my brother) had taken out. I started looking through it and it was MY JUNK! Thanks BRO! Just Robby, I'm sure it did look like junk. It was an old teddy bear that my dog Brownie came up with in his mouth one day and gave to me when I was 6 or 7. It was some old scratched up and rough looking toys that I played with including Strawberry Shortcake, Apple Dumpling, and My Little Pony. It was a stack of pet posters that covered my bedroom wall when I was in 3rd-4th grade. Why in the world would I keep a stack of pet posters?
THIS IS WHY.........
My Haven girl LOVED THEM!!!!!! She insisted on bringing them back to Colorado to put on her walls so we did! Do you know how much it blessed my heart that she wanted them?? And she wanted to bring back all the toys that we found that were mine. See that blue pony in her hand? That's the only one I let her bring back but it thrilled me that she wanted them because they were mine when I was a little girl!
So maybe my kids won't really care what my prom t-shirt looked like, or which doll was my absolute favorite to play with or what my plastic Muppet lunch box was like, but just in case they do.....I'll have it to show them and it will bring back some sweet, precious memories of a period when time moved very slowly and my worries were as simple as which pet poster to buy next!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Haven's Ski Day
Well for two years we've been able to get away with just 2 kids hitting the slopes but this year our little 5 year old begged and begged for ski lessons! Actually she wanted to snowboard but we wouldn't let her. So while Mason has been sick this week, we banned him from leaving the house all weekend and I took Haven and Landon skiing at Hesperus. Hesperus is not a ski resort, just a ski hill with very few runs but very laid back PLUS you can see the skiers the whole time. Haven got a 1 1/2 hour ski lesson (mainly to appease her) on how to stop on ski's and she just couldn't nail it! But she was awfully cute!!
Her instructor was kind of a burly man and she can be quiet bashful at times......
I quickly realized that a 5 year old can't pick it up as fast as a 9 or 11 year old! It only took Landon and Mason one lesson and a lot of practice on their own to get it but for this little girl, I'm afraid multiple lessons will be in order. I also realized that the 5 year olds out there that do actually ski have parents that ski and work with them early on. She had fun though!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Mike and 3 other people from our church are heading to Brazil for a mission trip April 5th for 11 days. Our oldest attending member, Mr. Dan Throckmorton, is going to Brazil!!! He is around 83 years old and his wife is suffering from Alzheimers Disease. 
It blesses my heart that he is going! If anyone has an excuse, it's Dan but he's going to do it. God uses a willing heart no matter what his physical condition!
On a selfish note......if any of you would like to come stay with me while Mike is gone, I would LOVE it. I have never had to stay alone for that many days and am not looking forward to it. Usually Mike is able to plan it for a time that the kids are out of school and we can visit grandparents and cousins which really helps to pass the time away while he is gone....or grandparents come up and stay with us some but this time we are too far away for that. I will trust God during this time (and hope that He'll send one of you out here to help me!!).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bayfield Middle School Basketball
Mason is in 7th grade this year so he gets to play Middle School basketball! They had a week of tryouts knowing that ten 8th graders would make the "A" team, ten 7th graders would make the "B" team and all the rest that try out would make the three "C" teams. Mason made the B team with most of his best friends and we haven't lost a game yet! I love that this area lets everyone play that wants to play so they have 5 middle school basketball teams. That changes when they get to high school some and it becomes a little more competitive. Mason has been the high scorer in all 3 games we've played this year so his height, of course, gives him an advantage. He is playing more aggressively this year and is doing awesome at blocking shots and rebounds as well. It sure makes me sad that his grandparents can't see him play so here are some pictures of last night's game just for them......
I LOVE middle school ball!! It is so much more exciting than Rec League ball!! So come on out and watch this kid play!
Haven Got Her Ears Pierced!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Proverbs 17:17
With all this friend talk I've been doing, I don't want to leave out my special friendship of 32 years with my rock, my prayer warrior, and my friend ~ Appi. We started kindergarten together and are still best friends 32 years later! Since high school, though, we have had to maintain a long distance friendship because we have never lived in the same town together. She is someone that I know I can trust,that I know if I ask her to pray over something she will, and that I know will love me no matter what I do (or don't do). Appi is a living example of Proverbs 17:17~~~"A FRIEND LOVES AT ALL TIMES".
Thank you for always being there for me Appi ~ I love you!
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