Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Princess-Tomboy

Remember this beautiful little princess that God blessed us with almost 5 years ago?

Well, I finally had to face the fact that my Princess is a full, fledged TOMBOY! Now I love and cherish my boys, but I had always wanted a girl and when I finally got one after 2 boys, I couldn't wait to buy pink, put bows in her hair, and dress her to a tee in frilly, girly clothing. And I am thankful that she still lets me do all that. But her interests have changed over the last half year or so. She never really has been one that played with dolls (I loved playing with dolls!) but she loved her stuff animals and Littlest Pet Shop animals. Now her choice toys are guns, balls, pirate toys, worms, snakes, and anything that looks boyish!
If given the choice in a store to pick out a toy, it's going to be a boy matter how much I try to convince her that the pink, princess items are sooooo much prettier. Maybe it's because she has 2 older brothers and maybe it's as she told me one day "Momma, God made me to like boy stuff"! I was shocked that she would sit through all the Indiana Jones movies without blinking too. She has a couple of boys that she is friends with and they get along just as well as she does with her girlfriends. Go figure!
Her birthday is coming up in 3 weeks and I have a dilemma. She wants a bicycle.....not the pretty purple/pink Hello Kitty or the pink and light blue Disney Princess bike. No, she wants the red motorbike looking boy bike. So, do I get her what she wants or what I want for her? A friend pointed out that they make boy and girl bikes different for a reason and because she will be learning to ride this bike without the training wheels eventually, I will probably go with the bike I want her to ride to save her from injury from the "high bar". What do you think I should do?
She wants a cowboy swimming party so I looked up plates and found the cutest cowgirl on a horse with pick accents. Do you think this was what she choose? Of course not....she wants the cow BOY with red accents so that is what she is getting.
I am thankful that she still lets me dress her however I like (except for those cute little tu-tu's that are popular now....she'll have nothing to do with those!), and she still lets me put bows in her hair, and I will cherish that as long as I can. As long as Haven is following Jesus, I'll be fine with whatever her interests are and I'll let Haven be Haven. I think she will be athletic and we'll start the team sports this spring. We try to embrace whatever our kids interests are and not try to mold them into the image we might want them to be. While this can be a struggle at times (especially where Haven is concerned), our main goal is to help mold them toward the image of Christ!
Thank you God for my little Princess/Tomboy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She looked ADORABLE in her pink cowgirl outfit tonight! I say let her be who she is - like you said following Jesus is the most important. When is her birthday? Kestra's is Nov 22 - but Kestra wants a girlie party for her 11th birthday party!