Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Today's the 14th so only 10 more days until CHRISTMAS EVE! The greatest part about Christmas for me is being with family. We plan to leave after the Christmas Eve service on the 24th and drive a straight 24 hours to arrive in AL by Owen Christmas Party time on Christmas Day. Yes, I wish we could fly but it is just too expensive for 5 of us. We'll only be there for 6 days which is a bummer.
The Vallecito Kids Christmas Party was Saturday and Haven got to see Santa.....

"Mr. and Mrs. Claus" goes to our church......(but no questions were asked!)
Pictures for the grandparents to see.....

Our "Christmas Comes Alive" is this weekend and we are very excited to see how this turns out. We have had great weather this week but snow is on it's way tomorrow and Thursday. Landon finished up his basketball season and had a great last game as he scored the game winning shot! He was so excited! He really improved this year and his self confidence definitely increased. Mike was a great coach and they finished the season at 3 wins and 3 losses. Mason is trying out for basketball this week. Everyone that tries out gets to play so this week determines who is on what team. The 7th and 8th grade will have a total of 5 teams. I think this is great because everyone gets to play this way. And Haven can now do a cartwheel! YAY!
Hope everyone enjoys the next couple of weeks and gives God glory for His wonderful SON that he sent to earth for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the kids! So adorable...