Christmas Eve morning, Santa left us a couple of gifts.......(this is after all the wrapping paper!)
Our Christmas Eve service went well and again, we had a great turn out from the community. We pulled out of our driveway at 5:55 pm and arrived in Alabama 22 hours later! A record trip! The roads were clear the whole way and no one was on the highway in the middle of the night. After a very welcomed shower, we spent Christmas night with the Owen side of the family....
Above are all the Owen grandchildren. I love how cousins love each other so much!
Above is Kayci and Jamie who were anxiously awaiting the birth of Baby Brayden who had not arrived at this point. Below, Mason surprised Carter with his very own baby doll before giving him his real gift!
Parker and Mason are buddies!
I thought it was so sweet that thru the month of December, Haven would say "I can't wait until Christmas!!!!!...I get to see my cousins!!!" not "can't wait to get presents" was all about family for this little one and her number one love is her cousin Sydney....
On Sunday, Mike preached at Emmanuel (per his mom's request every time we come!) and then we had the Richardson Christmas over at Mom's. This is all her grandchildren in their silly picture.....
On Sunday, Mike preached at Emmanuel (per his mom's request every time we come!) and then we had the Richardson Christmas over at Mom's. This is all her grandchildren in their silly picture.....
I know I took a lot of pictures this day but I think I made them on Mom's camera (She always gets us to make the pictures for her). So I had to borrow some of these pics from my nieces. Here's Colton and Kayla....
I sure love when this group gets together! They have so much fun together and it blesses my heart to see how much they love each other despite how little time they actually get to spend together!
On Monday, we all went over to see Daddy and that was a heart blessing also. As you can see, he got his left leg removed back in November and is doing very well.
Thank you for your prayers for him. Once completely healed, he will get a prosthetic leg and will hopefully walk again.
Above, they are in order of oldest to youngest. Below is Caleb, Carter, and Sydney.....I love these little faces!
We also got to spend some time with our 2nd cousins in Tuscaloosa at Chuck E. Cheeses and I loved getting to see my aunts and cousins. On New Year's Eve, we spent a little time playing some games....
Thanks to Angela, the Owen family will remember these 3 things about Christmas 2010:
1. Rubbing and walking the baby out,
2. NORMAN.....and
3. O to be a boy again at Christmas....
LOL!!! (Sorry, only the Owen's will get this)
Mama Kaye and Pop got sick while we were there which was disappointing for them and we didn't have the extra time to travel to see our friends in Cullman Co. this trip, but other than that, it was a great time!
(OH, and Baby Brayden didn't come while we were there....can you believe that!)
I am SO glad you guys had a great trip!! It is wonderful that your kids love their cousins so much!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Such a great looking family!
Very sorry we didn't get to see you. We love you all!
Bonnie & the crew
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