Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Moving Day

It's a very quiet morning on this very hectic day that lays before us. I can't believe the time has come. And it has been a lot harder than I expected. As excited as I am to get back to Alabama, closing a chapter of your life is tough. We love the people here so much and feel so much love back from them. Mason has had to tell his friends goodbye over and over because they keep showing back up. And watching him tell his girlfriend goodbye was more heart wrenching than I expected. It is 7:13am and I am exhausted. We slept on the floor last night with hardly any cover and I did not sleep well. We packed the moving truck to the brim last night and realized we are going to have to leave some things behind. This morning we have to finish packing the car and van to see what else we can bring along. This will put us behind already but oh well...you do what you have to do. Many people have offered to help us and I have been so overwhelmed having to keep living life while having to pack "life" up also that I didn't have times that I could tell them when to come over to help. However, Connie Allen just forced her way over and worked her little heart out day after day after day to help us. I want to be like Connie. I want to spend my time serving others no matter what the cost. Thank you Connnie!
So here I go....time to wake everyone up and start a new journey. Let the chaos begin and may God carry us through the changes for His glory and may Vallecito Church continue to exhalt and praise the name of Jesus!
Good bye Colorado!

1 comment:

Ronnie said...

I totally understand how you felt! I was so excited to come to Texas, be closer to a sister and sister-in-law, start a new ministry, etc but it was SOO hard to say goodbye to Colorado, Bayfield, our friends there, everything...I will be praying for all of you and especially Mason during this transition time. Starting over is tough! We have been here 7 months and still there are times I ache to go back...however, God is truly opening doors for us to serve! Love you sweet friend!!!