Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our Landon

Our Landon is keeping us busy this year! ...and it's a great thing because for years, he has followed us around to all of Mason's sporting events so it's finally his year to shine! And this is how Landon feels about having to go to Mason's games and practices!!!
Landon is in 3rd grade this year and while he doesn't really like school, he is doing well with fitting in and now has many friends. This is him coming out of his classroom after school one day.....
I am volunteering in his class every Tuesday morning, to assist with math so I got to on the field trip with them on Sept 24th to the Durango Nature Center....and it was just that....the nature center was just the open outdoors! No building...just land to explore the world of insects in. Here are some pictures from our day......

This was my crew for the day........

They played lots of fun insect games....
Swept bugs off of the plants with nets.....

Looked at them thru magnifying glasses to identify them..........
Had lunch under the trees....
And for the highlight of the trip, we got to see......
A real taranula in his real habitat!! It just crossed the path we were on.....EEEKKKK!
Landon has BES Choir on Mondays after school, Science Club on Tuesdays after school, and Drum lessons in Durango on Friday's after school. He is loving his drum's a picture from lessons......
Landon is a precious blessing to us and has the sweetest and most outgoing personality. He continues to pray for God to send us back to so more than ever because he found out that it is against the law to have a monkey in Colorado but not in Alabama!! (Yes, he has become fasinated with monkeys!)

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