Thursday, November 19, 2009

Elks and Prayer Requests

I forgot to mention the other night on our way home from ABQ, we were about 5 miles from the house and hit an elk. It scared me pretty badly because it is such a huge animal but the damage was not too bad because we got him in his back hind leg. It did do enough damage to declare the van undriveable but we are able to drive it. Thank you God that it didn't come thru the windshield and everyone was safe!

While I am extremely excited about Appi Pate, her 3 kids, and Mom coming in 2 days, my heart is very heavy for our niece Kayci who has lost her baby and is presently having to give birth to it. Please pray for her and her husband Jamie who are walking thru some very dark days right now. We love you Kayci and Jamie and are VERY sorry that this has happened.....

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