Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Card Pics

With 5 in the family, it is always a challenge to get that "perfect" Christmas card picture. This year we took it on the day after we had a big snow, in hopes to get the mountain in the background between the 2 sets of trees.....
As you can see, the clouds were too low but getting everyone dress, ready and out there took so much effort that I was not about to "reschedule" this shoot! So as our friend Connie was taking our pictures, the wind started blowing and snow started hitting us.....and as a result, we got these shots...............

HA HA! I thought they were pretty comical and needed to share them!
Although we didn't get the mountain in the pictures, I love how beautiful it is when the snow is on the trees so I was pretty satisfied with that, and we walked away with some pretty sweet shots...



Ronnie said...

I love it and am JEALOUS of the snow in the pictures!!! The wind pictures are awesome!!!

Jamie said...

Love those smiles...