Monday, July 13, 2009

Congratulations Grace Family!!

I am excited to announce that Grace Community Church voted in Tim Lynch as their pastor yesterday!! He and his wife Christi and two children will be moving to Cullman from North Carolina. I am especially excited for her because she will be living closer to her family! It is so awesome to hear the excitement back in everyone's voices and writings on the computer and we are extremely happy and anxious to see what God is going to do in and thru GCC. I will confess that I am a tad jealous of Tim and Christi because of the awesome church family they just obtained. You guys are so incredibly special to us and I know you will be to them also. Tim and Christi....You are so Blessed!!!(I heard that they've checked out our blog but not sure if they are keeping up with it or not).
To our Grace will ALWAYS be considered our family no matter who is pastor. We love you and ask that you never compare Mike and Tim to each other. They were both sent to Grace for a season....two separate seasons. Be open to change and the visions that God gives to Tim. Hold Tim in high regard for he is the man that will be bringing YOU a WORD from GOD every week....and even if you may not agree with him all the time, pray for him daily....that he will be STRONG IN THE LORD, JOYFUL, HUMBLE, ENCOURAGED, AND SUBMISSIVE to the HOLY SPIRIT. May GOD receive GLORY for ALL the things HE HAS DONE!
Be willing to let God use you to change Holly Pond, Cullman Co, Alabama, the US, and the world!!! We love you and are so excited for you!!


Bonnie said...

Awesome to see God at work!

Chantelle said...

Thanks for all the encouraging words!! It is an exciting time and we are all anxious to see what God will do next!! He has taught me so much through all of this and I feel so blessed to be a part of it.

tonyjet said...

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I recently saw a t-shirt that said "The journey is the destination" and it spoke to me that we are all on a journey until we finally reach our ultimate destination in heaven. Though our individual journeys takes us in different directions sometimes, we are comforted by the fact that in Christ we will reach the same ultimate place together! Your journey has taken you to Colorado for a season, and now we are here in Cullman but our journey has taken a little different turn. We will anxiously wait to see what God is doing on your journey and on ours!