Sunday, July 5, 2009

I'm Back!

Hey everyone it has been a while since I wrote anything on the blog. It has been difficult sharing all the things that are going on in our lives. I have been dealing with the move and loss of our church back in Cullman and all our friends, and dealing with the unhappiness of my family out here and I just really haven't felt like writing anything. I have seen however things changing recently though here; Lori and the kids seem to be finally adjusting to this new life we have; the kids have friends now to play with and do things with and the church is really going great. God has lifted those burdens from me and we are starting to find joy here in our new assignment. I am also starting to be able to let go of the feeling of sorrow from having to leave Cullman and Grace Community Church. I am really excited about Grace finding a new pastor and moving forward into all that God has for them. I still miss everyone and still love that church but I am content that God has moved us here and He is doing a work in me, my family, our old church and our new church. That is good.

As you know when we came here there were a hand full of people and no children in our church. This week we have seen 27 children in bible school; 25 young people in our Friday night Youth night; 25 children in children's church this morning and a church packed with people. There were very few empty seats in our church this morning. God is good and He is accomplishing His will here (I am sure in spite of me most of the time). I love you all and ask you to keep praying for me and my family. See you soon.


Bonnie said...

It is thrilling to see God at work where you are! I've been amazed every time Lori has mentioned the number of kids in Bible school and at Teen night. And last week, it was wonderful to look around and see your church fullup! That couple from California couldn't get over what a great church you have; and it's evident the people in CO love you too. We miss you SO much; but many will be in heaven because of your obedience to the Lord!
Can't wait to see you! I love you all so very much!

tonyjet said...

I'm glad to hear from you! I'm going to gibve you a call soon to catch up on things but until then, keep writing and telling us how God is at work!

Chantelle said...

It is so nice to hear from you again! I am very glad that things seem to be looking up. I know I can never be as encourgaing as Bonnie but please know that you are missed but you are such an encouragement to the rest of us. You guys have been the best example of what following God and being obedient to him is all about. He is still at work at Grace and I know He is at work in spite of us!!



The Kritners said...

As Pete would say...Hello My Pastor! Yes you will FOREVER be our pastor! You have brought so much into our family with your words, prayers,and living example that you and Lori are! Just putting up with me is a BIGGIE! We so love you MIKE OWEN and we know now that the changes we go thru help to grow us but we know GOD will see us thru! As HE has you and your family! I don't know if we will ever quit wanting you back and YES our door is always open to you, but God is moving where you are and here at Grace and we too are excited to see what big plans he has for us because we know he would not have taken such good away to leave us lost! We will embrace and follow what God lays out before us but you will ALWAYS be a part of our heart and missing you isn't getting easier! Keep on keeping on for your Father who plans on using you BIG!! Just look back and know where you are now and cling to the scripture..Philippians 3:12-14 We love you soooo much!!! Love Always, Becky and Pete