Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!!

Hello all and I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Our church hosted another community Thanksgiving meal held at the the community center and we had a great turnout. The only good thing about not being with our family on Thanksgiving is that it is challenging us to learn to cook our own Thanksgiving food. We have the dressing down (learned that 2 years ago) so this year I made a sweet potato casserole and sweet potato pie for the first time ever and yum yum!!!
However, no one ate it here and I was told by someone from Colorado that they have never heard of it until a few years ago. Guess it may be a Southern thing! Or people did eat sweet potatoes during their meal and may have opted for something different for dessert. More pie for us in the end and it is already gone from this house!
I wanted the kids to learn a little about serving others so they took a turn in the serving line BEFORE they got to eat. Haven was so adorable serving her rolls! She was so excited about serving others and asked multiple times that morning if it was time for her to "serve" yet.
Landon serving sweet potatoes....
Mason tried to get out of it by paying Landon to serve in his place! Ha! He was only kidding and served his time well
We met many new faces this year......

It was great day and what a blessing to have people to spend the day with. I'll have to say that the food was good, but it didn't compare to Pat Richardson and Kaye Owen's cooking!! Can't wait until Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun for you and your church! So glad it all went well and that was an awesome way to get the kids involved as well!!!