Saturday, February 14, 2009


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!! Hope you had a special day with your sweetie! As always, our special day is spent as a family together because we never have any extra money to go out! That's day it will be just us and we'll have plenty of time to "go out". We've had a great week. Mike and I watched "Fireproof" last night and during it, fireworks were going on at the bar next door. They were good ones too! It was neat! "Fireproof" had an awesome message in it so make sure you see it and make sure your loved ones watch it too.

Mason's team won both games today...the first one was 63 to 14 and the second one was a harder game but they won 36 to 24. We have discovered a new love for Landon and that is rock climbing! He absolutely loves the rock climbing walls at the rec center. This summer he will get to do some real rock climbing.

We celebrated V'day at Pizza Hut for lunch and had lots of chocolate afterwards! We also enjoyed getting to talk to Mere, Sandi, Allen, Dylan, Tyler, Chandler, Taylor and Devyn on web cam on this Valentine's Day!

Haven has fallen twice this week and hurt her shoulder again. However, today we noticed she is using her hand and arm more.

We got probably a foot and a half of snow this week. Jerry and Jessica Creel are coming in a week and a half and we are so excited! They are our church friends from Cullman. We are YOU coming to see us?

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