Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our week

Summer is here and the "summer" people are back!! Our church was full today so that was nice to see. We had our first "official" new members to join the church today and one of our teens from Friday night came!! (Exclamation marks because it is a 16 year old boy that we never expected to show up at church) Now the challenge is learning all their names!
We had 10 teens at teen night Friday night, 4 of which were new this week. I have a new found appreciation for Youth Pastors now!! The world has soooo much to offer these kids so there is a lot to compete with. Thank your Youth Pastor even if your kids are not in the youth and show them a little appreciation for what they have to put up with!
Friday we went up Middle Mt on 4 wheelers again but were able to go up much farther then the first time. Here are some shots of the pretty scenery up there.....
Haven always seems to get pretty great naps while we are riding!
We really wish we had some kids from back home to share this with this summer......ANYONE??
We want to wish a very HAPPY 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY to RUTH AND BUD SILVEY, members of our Grace family and parents of our close friend Jeff. I realize that they probably don't get to follow our blog but Tammy, please tell them that we are thinking of them and wish we could have been there today to celebrate this awesome event! Everyone else, please pray for Mr. Bud as he has cancer and needs God's healing power in his life right now. Pray for the family also as they walk with him thru this.....May God Bless the Silvey family and hold them tightly in His arms! We love you!

1 comment:

tonyjet said...

It looks like you all are having a great time. Even some of us "old" kids would like to visit and share in the things you guys are doing!