Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting Excited!

OOOOO...I'm so excited about Christmas!! I praise God for whoever started this holiday in His honor! I love the gift giving that represents the giving from the wisemen. I love the special togetherness families feel on this holiday. I love all the little traditions we have as a family. I love all the Christmas movies that have a "feel good" ending. I love that the kids are out of school for 2 1/2 weeks. I love the Christmas songs. I love the food. But mostly, I love that because Baby Emmanuel came over 2000 years ago, I can choose to spend eternity worshipping at His feet!
This is for the mom and Kaye....our tree this year......

Haven playing with the snowman...I found her one day all covered up on the couch with all the snowmen under the blanket with her!
Two years ago, we bought and made our first gingerbread house kit and it turned out very cute. This year, we tried to be creative and make our own.....Haven was the only one interested in helping so this was the result!'s a little SAD but we enjoyed trying it!

Today was the last day before Christmas break and Landon had his class Christmas party! Hats off to his teacher Ms. Sparks who instead of them buying presents for themselves, asked the class to bring money for Make A Wish Foundation.

Congratulations to Landon for getting Citizen of the Month for Honesty for December! He will be honored with a breakfast on Jan 7th and his picture will go out on the school bulletin board! he doesn't like to pose for pictures if you can tell!

I took this picture from Landon's room of the playground they play on everyday. Can you imagine!!! What's funny is that I saw many kids with their snow bib on and short sleeves! It will stay like this until April at least. They don't get as much snow in Bayfield as we get in Vallecito.
Mason had a dance today to end the 2nd 9 weeks and it was his first time to dance with a GIRL!! He has a girlfriend named Kendra now. If this week flies by as fast as this last week has, we'll see you very soon in Gordo and Cullman! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

awww I love your tree and the gingerbread house is beautiful!!!!! Congrats to Landon on Citizen of the Month! And tell Mason to stay away from girls. He is to young lol! I can't wait to see you guys when you come! Safe travels! love ya!!!