Friday, April 30, 2010


Our weather here has just been "craziness" and it sounds like the weather in Alabama has been also! So glad to hear that none of my family and friends back in Alabama were effected by the tornados last weekend. Here, all the snow is gone now but one day last week, I woke up and screamed when I looked out side to see everything completely white again!! I pinched myself to make sure I was awake and not having a nightmare! The snow left by lunch that day and anything that falls at this point is not going to stick for long (Thank GOD!). On Wednesday, we had excessive winds that felt like we were in a hurricane, and it flipped our trampoline over and onto the house, tearing the nice new netting we had put up. It has snowed the last two days some but again, nothing is sticking. The low here tomorrow is 15 degrees.....on May 1st. Mason has his first baseball game tomorrow and hopefully it will reach up into the 40's by game time. He is the starting pitcher at the first game of the season so that is pretty exciting. He wanted to get his hair cut because he didn't like the way he looked with a hat on while his hair was longer and over his ears. He looks so different!! and yes...he has ears!!! I haven't seen them in a while!

The past two days we've gotten a taste of what the summer will be like for us. We had a new pellet stove put into the house, a new septic tank has been inserted in at the church, we had a portapotty delivered and a new Zircon is now in the yard. So the driveway and our yard has been busy, busy. It is exciting though to see what God is doing!

Only 9 more school days left and summer will be here! We get out on the 13th and both boys have a field trip and Landon has field day to look forward to. I have been busy working on VBS decorations, trying to get as much done as early as I can. The "summer" members are slowly trickling back in also. And the lake is filling up so although it doesn't feel like summer is near, IT IS! whoo-hoo!

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