Monday, April 5, 2010

Sea World!!

I'll have to say that Sea World was probably the highlight of the trip! It was so AWESOME! It is just amazing how they train the animals to perform like they do. The weather was perfect and we had such a great time. We started the day with "Breakfast with the Dolphins" was a buffet breakfast located right beside one of the pools....

The trainers came out to show us tricks they do and explain how they teach them. Haven has changed her future profession to Dolphin Trainer!

I found it interesting to know that most trainers have a degree in Psychology....

This is a pilot whale that also perform tricks for us.....

See the dolphins up in the air....

More tricks.....

The whale waves at us.....

This shows you how close we were to them...

Now we're ready to meet SHAMU in the splash zone!

The SHAMU show was amazing!

The trainers do not get in the water with them any more but they do pet them and get close enough to them for the whales to grab them and sling them around like the trainer in Orlando who was killed.

As amazed as we were at the dolphin and whales, the Sea Lion and Otter show was the favorite! It was a comedy show and was just so neat to watch the Sea Lions perform~

Landon's new career path is now a trainer for Sea Lions and his love for monkeys has now been replaced with a love for sea lions!

Here we are at the 4D Sesame Street show....

A pre-historic shark mouth

We also watch a Pet Show that had dogs, cats, birds, and ducks in it that was too cute! They had some fun rides also. This is the Journey to Atlantis....

Haven found a new friend in the walrus that was there.......

Haven got to meet ELMO!! If you are wondering who the other character is, his name is Tulley

They had a ROCK AND ROLL WITH SHAMU show at night that was fun and it all ended in fireworks! If you ever get the chance to go to Sea World, it's worth your money and time!

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