Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Lesson In Giving

Wow! What an awesome week we've had! I was so blessed this past Monday that it has changed me. You could say.."oh, someone gave you money and you're just happy about that"---PLEASE don't miss the message I have to share....and please don't misinterpret this as me bragging....I just want to share what God is doing in my life as a testimony of His faithfulness, in hopes that someone out there reading this may also be changed..or maybe some perspectives may be changed.

I've realized that had we sold the house right away and/or received a profit, I would have given God the glory but would I have learned what I did about God and His awesomeness??? You see, we felt like we were in a hopeless situation and without asking anyone for help, God showed us that He was in control and handled it all for us. It is a small miracle for us!! But is any miracle small? In my opinion it's not....

As a result of what God did for me, I was so grateful and so amazed at His goodness that I surrendered to serve Him wholeheartedly while we are here. I've been so caught up in sadness, loneliness, boredom, and fear, that as I've been serving Him, I was not able to give Him all of me. He used someone to meet our needs and that someone was willing to let God use Him. He had the means to meet our needs and gave it wholeheartedly to us. We've never been the receiver to such a tremendous monetary gift but unfortunately, it has taken this gift to show me that we have got to be "givers" to meet the spiritual needs of others. It doesn't have to be money as the gift, but in my situation, God used money to meet my spiritual needs (as well as physical) by showing me how God is faithful to keep His promises. I can't meet anyone's needs through giving money like this man did BUT... I can give my service to help meet the needs of others. I can give my gift of time to listen to others. I can give my gift of prayer to intercede for others.

A lady who was once in our church years ago was in an automobile accident 2 years ago and her husband was killed instantly. She was hurt by the last pastor in our church and is not currently an active church goer. Recently, she went to Denver to have a procedure done on her heart and bottomed out while there and spent a week in ICU. Because she lives alone, she couldn't return to her home because she was unable to dress herself or lift anything due to weakness. She stayed with friends for a while but called me this week when she returned back to her home and asked me if she could hire me to clean her house for her. I agreed and set up a time to go over the next day. However, I felt the Holy Spirit showing me that I could give to her by doing it without pay, not because she couldn't afford it, but because He wanted me to share with her what He was doing in my life. I had an overwhelming need to give back to someone....and I believe that spending time with this lady while helping her in her home and doing it with a loving, servant's heart, blessed her. We talked the whole time and I made a new friend......and Praise GOD...she was at the Fish fry tonight at our church!

Remember that "Lesson in Friendship" two blogs ago? I was walking Wednesday night at football practice with some of the other mothers and shared with them the amazing story of what God had done for us. (Let me remind you, these are my "cursing and drinking friends") When I finished my story, one of them actually says to me "I think you are here for more than just that church in Vallecito....I think you are here for us too. We are all just a bunch of women wanting more of God....Jennifer (one of the other mothers) didn't even believe in God but last week, she asked Him to prove Himself to her and He did! (the Holy Spirit drawing her to HIM before I had even met her) Maybe we should just have a 10 minute bible study at football practice".....what?? God was using her to show me my purpose! WOW! She also said that she had not been to church in a long time and that her pastor and his wife (whose's son is on our team) never comes and sits around and talks to them like we do and that has meant a lot to her......WOW! It's just the gift of giving our time to be with them while at practice that has had an impact on them. Yes, I am uncomfortable with their mouths at times and listening about their lifestyles but I accept them as they are and hope that they see God in me and long for that! Thank you God for the gift of time and showing me how to use it for you!!

I went to see Chonda Pierce last Friday night on her "This Ain't Prettyville" tour. Her message was that we need to be real with people and not try to hide that we as Christians have problems too. And that we need to really listen to each other and support each other as we continue to struggle with sin. Being there for one another.......that's a way of giving. Grace gave to us in their support, service, and time. Vallecito has given to us financially. They are equal in blessings when given from God's direction. Peter said in Acts 3:1 "Silver and gold have I none but I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus, rise up and walk"......Peter had the power of healing thru Jesus that he gave to the man because that's all he had to give him!!
I sure hope that I am making sense in all this. I've given and I've served in the past....but now my perspective is so much different. I pray that we all might give "in the name of Jesus" whether it's giving our time to listen to someone, to pray for someone, to serve or help someone, to encourage someone, or to meet their financial need because I have finally come to the point in my life that Acts 20:35 is alive in my soul....."It is more blessed to give than receive"....Praise God for showing me that I can give myself for others in His name and be blessed from it! So can you and I pray that you will, doing it all, not for them, but for Jesus!


Tammy said...

Wow Lori!! That is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing that. I truly believe that God has great things in store for you guys out there. I love you and I miss you.

Chantelle said...

Just want to say thanks...thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life and being a blessing to others. You and Mike are such a great example of what God can do when we are willing to do what he asks us and for that I am thankful. To be used of God no matter where we are should be our deepest desire and I confess that I have definitely missed in my own life. The great part is that He loves us anyways. He is worthy!!!