Friday, September 4, 2009

Fish Fry

The community wide fish fry was last weekend and was very successful. We had lots of visitors and around 200 total. The fish was sea bass, caught in Mexico by one of our members that lives there in the winter. It was so good!

Here's Mike sporting his Alabama apron..(he wouldn't cook in it though b/c he was afraid it would get dirty!)
Shots from the fish fry under the tent......
The only issue was that it was 99% older, retired people and no young families! It can be so frustrating!! They'll send their kids to VBS and Youth but the parent won't come to anything...........YET- I will say!
You know when you are "high on Jesus", Satan starts to attack and he has us this week in many ways. But he hasn't stolen my joy! We are talking about building on to our building and just right off, disagreements have occurred. It doesn't bother me though b/c those who were at New Hope with us....I've already been "refined" by that fire!!! HA!
School is going well....Landon still doesn't want to go but he's starting drum lessons today and is extremely excited about that. Also starting today is our ladies study on James and I'm excited about it......James is so full of great stuff!
Please pray for my Uncle Bill who couldn't finish a stress test yesterday and may be having stints put in today. He is my mom's only brother and he is very special to me! Also special to me is mom's sister Gail who is living with cancer but she is not letting it control her. She is such a strong person and has started back teaching again, so pray for her to have strength, to feel good, and most of all to be healed in Jesus' name! Thanks for your prayers!
We have an extremely busy weekend starting today so be safe and I'll leave you with one more thought..............

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

You got it sister...ROLL TIDE!!!