Monday, January 12, 2009


A snowmobile was one of the first purchases that Mike "wanted" to make when we moved to try to make the boys happy. However, we found out that Mr Burt had 6 of them and decided "naa...we'll just use his!" He came over Saturday with his two-seater and we finally got to ride and drive one! It was cool, kind of like riding a 4 wheeler or jet ski, but the views on it was incredible! Here are some pictures from the day....

We had an encouraging day at church as one of my play group moms came with her children, and 3 younger people came that was new to the Valley that we had invited were there. The weather has been awesome......very sunny and still about 3 solid feet of snow on the ground. The sun being out makes the days so much more enjoyable. You really don't have to even wear a coat unless you are going to stay outside for a while. Nice...I might just survive!


ALI said...

johnSo happy you are enjoying yourself. God is so good. Bonnie was gone the last 2 weeks and just came home today, can't wait to see her and Shane on Wednesday. Praying for God's mighty work in your lives there and in our lives here. We love and miss you all.


tonyjet said...

I wish I were there! It looks beautiful and the snowmobiling sounds like a lot of fun. Keeping you in our prayers.