Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 2 with the Richardson's

Day 2 was a Sunday so we all went to church and afterwards was our VBS Kick-off (I'll post more about this later). So after VBS, we all took a hike up the Vallecito Creek trail....
This is the Weminuche Wilderness that we were in

The views are amazing and they found out soon how thin the air is here and how easy it is to run out of breath. Don't you love Colton's head dress??!

While Haven didn't make it with out being held, Faith was a great sport and made it the whole way!

There were some areas where you are on a cliff and Patti learned that she had a little fear of heights, mainly when it was her children she saw walking on the cliffs!

This was as far as we made it but what a view!

Mason trying to pose for a "deep thoughts" picture!

It is a tough hike and Mom made it part of the way but we had a blast!

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