Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy Week...

It's been a good but busy week for us....Monday, Kyle, Maddie, and Arlo came over to spend some time with us. We walked down to the lake back behind our house........

Haven and Maddie are just a couple weeks a part and play so well together......
This picture is taken from our front yard so you can see how close the lake is from our house. The lake is so beautiful and glassy in the mornings. People are bringing their boats in now and it is really feeling like summer is almost here......(it was 80 here today!) However, you can see that Haven has a hoodie is VERY windy by the lake
This is the last full week of school so it has been jammed packed with activities for the kids. On Monday, Landon's class took a walking field trip to the park for a Safety Fair. On Wednesday, Mason went to Fort Lewis College to a Water Exhibit and Landon had Track and Field Day. He DID NOT want to go but ended up winning 5th place in hurdles and enjoyed the day. Here are some pictures from his day......
Landon at shotput.....
The discus throw......
The relay.....

and the awards ceremony.......
On Wednesday night, Mike and I attended middle school orientation which was so sad for me! I can't believe 6th grade is sneaking up on us for Mason. I clearly and vividly remember the first day we took Mason to kindergarten! Today, Mason went to the middle school for orientation and then tomorrow is his track and field day. Landon gets to attend a sleepover at the school tomorrow night (yeah...his teacher has lost her mind!)...all this and Mason had a game tonight (won 17-7...pitched first two innings, struck out 4, and hit a triple and two singles) and one tomorrow night!
Dan, our outfitter guy, wants to take us on a picnic Saturday up to his camp on the mountain...on horses! I just don't think I can do it! I've never road a horse by myself on flat ground.....much less going up and down at mountain! GOD HELP ME!


Tammy said...

That sounds like so much fun. Just bite the bullet and get on that horse. You will have a great time. I wish I was there to go with you.Love you and can't wait to see you soon.

Joe Bruzzese said...

Yes, the middle school years creep up on you. With two kids of my own I'm often amazed by how quickly they grow. When you have 2 minutes stop by my site,, where I share daily tips for thriving throughout the middle school years.

Jamie said...

You guys are busy!

Oh... You can do it.
(This is coming from someone who has never ridden a horse either.) :)