Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Per Chantelle's request, I will give you all an update on our newest member of the's LUCEE...
We all really love her! REALLY! She's so cute and clean and short-haired which I really appreciate. BUT.....housetraining is for the pits! We have not had much success except in the mornings. Any other time of the day we take her out, she just sits there....or starts chasing birds. ...then we'll bring her in and she'll go pee in Landon's room! We've tried puppy pads but those are needless to say, we will one day be replacing the carpet in this cabin when we move! We do some crate training but don't have a consistent routine for it because we are here with her all the time. She loves Landon more than anyone and started out sleeping with him in Gordo after we first got her. She still sleeps with him and will (most of the time) sleep all night. Haven painfully loves Lucee...meaning that she gives her that hard love where she squeezes her too much and Lucee ends up running away from her! It's sweet though and Haven loves to be licked by her. Now that's my "pet peeve"....I can't stand to be licked by dogs!!! I never thought I would see the day that I let a dog sleep in our bed, take it with us wherever we go, and give it kisses (Yes, I just confessed!)!!! Here, EVERYWHERE you go, people have their dogs with them....on any given day, you can go to Walmart and 9 out of 10 cars will have a dog inside it in the parking lot!
This is a busy week so I'll have a lot to post this week. We went to middle school orientation tonight for Mason. It makes me sad!! By the way, puberty is starting!! at 11!! WHAT?!


Chantelle said...

What a cutie!! I was afraid for you that the potty training would be tough. If they came into the world already potty trained, I think I would want another puppy, but unfortunately that is not the case at all. I will say that you may want to do some reading on the internet about crate training. I think that you will read that it is okay to put her in the crate even when you are at home. If the crate is small enough and you don't leave her in it for an extreme amount of time, she will hold it and then if you take her outside as soon as she comes out of the crate, she will go outside and eventually she will make the connection that you go outside to do that. I know it is easier said than done but if you can get in a schedule with it, she will learn to love her crate. Otis goes and gets in his own all the time if he is tired and he will just sleep in their with the door open. Okay, enough dog therapy for one day. I am glad that you guys love her and that she is a great companion for Landon. Keep trying, it gets better, I promise!!


Jamie said...

Well, I am so not a puppy - make that pet - person but I am glad that you all are having such a fun experience - minus the puppy training of course. :)