Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Hi Everyone! Not much going on this week. Mike is turning into a mountain man......Monday, he went out to the stream, caught his salmon by hand, and came back and cooked it up for lunch! They went again yesterday and snagged some with hook and line. I have started working out with some girls in the Valley to try and offset all the eating I've been doing here. The boys are still going to basketball and we're still swimming when they do. Just three more days of school this week and they are out all next week for Thanksgiving. Mason made the remark last night that Bayfield school is better than Parkside....whoa(it surprised me)! He said "not the people or classmates", just the school. Why is that? Because they go to Art, Music, Spanish, and now, PE and they are all on a rotation. They still have recess or free play 3 times a day, and on the days they have PE, they are taught about certain sports. It seems that Alabama schools have more deadlines to meet and are much more academic....which is a GREAT THING....but it doesn't leave much time for the extras they seem to have here. (I realize that some Alabama schools may have these extras but Parkside was not able to....awesome school though-I miss the people there so much!). Landon is having a "Hoe Down" on Friday and on December 5th, he is in a Christmas program that will be performed at night at the High School as a result of his music class.
Did anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? Why did AMY not vote out VICKY!! She just hung herself! Anyway....Tony Jetton, you are so crazy! Love the picture!! (anyone who has checked it out on the left side as our newest follower, it is NOT him and Lisa!) Lisa will thank me for that! I hope everyone is having a great day! By the way, 5 weeks until Christmas EVE!!! We love you all,


tonyjet said...

It was great to talk to you (Mike) yesterday, and Lori if my profile picture put a smile on your face it accomplished its purpose.

The Kritners said...

WOW is right! That video is amazing! Glad to hear all is going well! I know it helps when your kids are happy and adjusting, it warms and blesses your heart as their mother! God's way of showing you HE has everything under control! Love and Miss you all! I know there is a Walmart somewhere, tell Mike he doesn't have to catch and cook his own food! There are fish sticks!!! Hugs to all! The Kritners