Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Last Sunday at Grace

I woke up this morning around 5:00 and laid there a while but decided to get up and blog some. I have been sharing what is going on around us but have not shared much about what we are feeling during this time. Although Mike sounded very excited when the decision was made and he was sharing our plans, he has had a really rough couple of weeks. It is hard to do what God has called you to do sometimes and as hard as it is to move across the country, it is not half as hard as saying goodbye to the life you've had for 9 years and people that love you. Life as we've known it is ending and a new phase is beginning and it is very scarey. (I am having to stop and sqawl while I type this-- not the strong person I was yesterday). Me? I haven't cried in several weeks until this morning. I've just been working through it and coping by staying busy. It would be so much easier to leave a place that you did not feel wanted....but we are thankful, as hard as it is, that we are not in that position today and we are leaving a church family that loves us. I don't think Mike realized how much he was appreciated and loved by Grace....... but brothers and sisters, you have shown us that and their is no greater gift that you could give us. Please pray for us as we hold hands and walk through the next week of change. Today is going to be so hard but I know a blessing is in store for us. I'll let you know what happens.......


Bonnie said...

We do love you all. I can't even put into words how much I'll miss you.

Keep posting! Often! I'm thrilled for all the exciting new experiences you are about to have and will be waiting for updates.

susan said...

Lori, I'm so sad that I've missed the past four years. I'll just have to cling to the memories of excercising in the nursery, spending time by your pool and Mother's Day Out.
I know that God has a special friend waiting on you in Colorado.
Blessings to you as you continue on your journey.